Slide Conversion Services
We digitize (scan) 35mm slides to create high-resolution JPEG and or TIFF files. Files are delivered on DVD-R or CD-R data discs. We can render to DVD-video format for easy TV viewing.
Whats New:
TMPGEnc Authoring Works 5
New software implementation in process. BluRay Authoring is the newest service.
Updated: March 21, 2012
Current News:
Graduation Videos
If you have a special someone who is graduating, then you should be planning a video to commemorate the occasion. Contact us for details.
Updated: March 21, 2012
Recent Events:
Memorial Tribute Videos
If you have lost a loved one, we offer a great way to remember the happy times of their lives. Our memorial tribute videos can be created with short notice. Please gather your photos and contact us about a Memorial Tribute Video.
Updated: March 21, 2012
Slide Conversion Services
Slide Conversion Benefits
Slide Conversion Process
We digitize (scan) 35mm slides to create high-resolution JPEG and or TIFF files. Files are delivered on DVD-R data or CD-R data discs. Some DVD players will recognized JPEG files on a DVD and display them on a TV. All data discs are readable on a computer. We can produce a DVD-video formatted DVD-R (or DVD+R) that allows you to enjoy your slides on your TV. We can add titles, music, and other special effects when we produce a DVD-video disc.